Intel RealSense Hands-on Lab Surabaya Recap

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Last month, Sponsio and Intel Software Indonesia held a RealSense Hands-on Lab in Surabaya, Indonesia. In this event we also collaborate with the local developer community Suwec and Gerdhu for providing the place.

About 31 participants attended the event and they have learned and tried Intel RealSense technology under the guidance of Aulia Faqih from Intel Innovator.

Feedbacks from participants are positive commenting about the amount of people attending the event and the enthusiasm of the participants as usually participants for events like this often immediately go home while in this event they stayed in the venue even after the event ends to learn more about the topic.

This RealSense Hands-on Lab in Surabaya is the first city of the planned 3 cities for Intel RealSense Hands-on Lab. The next cities are Malang dan Semarang.

RealSense Hands On Lab Surabaya - 01Zainal Arifin as representative of Gerdhu opened the Intel RealSense Hands-on Lab event

RealSense Hands On Lab Surabaya - 04Aulia Faqih, an Intel Innovator, opened his session with introduction to Intel RealSense

RealSense Hands On Lab Surabaya - 02Participants of the event watched the speaker speaking about Intel RealSense

RealSense Hands On Lab Surabaya - 05Q&A session of the event

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